Pretty Floral Bouquet in Pink and Green

flowers in a vase
Bathroom Bouquet

I love flowers but this is the beginning of the flowerless season, unless you count all the Poinsettias and Christmas Cactus. I don’t know if I will have any Poinsettias this year because of “Mayhem” my new cat. I don’t want her to eat them and get poisoned. Her real name is Skittle, but that is too cute. I have renamed her May (short for Mayhem) because she is a terror.

Anyway, I usually pass right by the grocery store flower shop and consider buying cut flowers and little plants an additional and unnecessary expense on top of the huge amounts I pay for food. But, something recently made me think differently and I bought two small bundles of flowers this past week. I came across a couple of my favorite little vases (yes, I’m still unpacking) and knew they needed to hold bouquets.

The little white pitcher with tiny blue painted flowers was purchased years ago at a yard sale and I used to have it in my beautiful Florida bathroom. I knew I had to use it once again after years of not having a place for it and my small drab bathroom needed some color – so there you go. I think the pink flower is a Gerbera Daisy and the green one is a Spider Mum, but I’m not sure. The rest of the bouquets were put into a pottery vase on my kitchen table.

If having flowers in the house makes you happy, splurge once in a while and brighten your winter days.

Pink, green and bronze flowers in a vase
Daisy and Mum Bouquet

Author: Pam

New England native, Florida resident. Sharing my experiences on the water, beach-combing, gardening and camping. Zazzle designer and knitting pattern reviewer.

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